Earn Credit

Do anything on the Showtalent APP & Earn Credits | Get Paid

The Showtalent Community provides an opportunity to our users to earn real cash convertible credit points. The simplest way to earn credits is by just completing some tasks that can be done in minutes.

You are rewarded for actions such as: creating and posting a video showcasing your talent, liking and sharing the videos you fancy over social media, following or getting followed by talented folks like you and more...

What to do? How many credits do you earn?
Create and upload a Talent Video +100 Credits when you post
+20 Credits when someone likes it -20 Credits when someone dislikes it
+10 Credits when you tag someone (Upto 5 users)
+1 Credits when someone shares it +50 Credits when you get a comment
Build Your Profile +100 Credits when your profile is 100% complete  +50 Credits when you verify your Profile
Build Your Fanbase +1 Credits when someone starts to follow you -1 Credits when someone stops following you
+10 Credits when you start following someone -10 Credits when you stop following someone
Engage +20 Credits when you Like a Video that somebody posted +50 Credits when you Share a Video that somebody posted
+1 Credits when others tag you in a video +50 Credits when you comment on a video
Review and Rate  our App +50 Credits
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